[NdR Servizi Redazionali]   N.d.R. · Servizi Redazionali  [N.d.R Servizi Redazionali]

An editorial service for publishing in Italian

A professional editing team, attentive and sensitive to the quality of translation; an ideal partner for producing effective texts suitable for the Italian public, without the high costs of a publishing house. From tourist brochures to art books, technical manuals to historical-economic essays, exhibition catalogues to encyclopaedias.

 ·   ·   ·  N.d.R. is a company offering editorial services based in Turin, Italy. It boasts great experience in all the editing aspects of complex works and carries out its activities in various publishing fields, both humanistic and scientific. It collaborates with publishing houses and with individual firms.

 ·   ·   ·  Composed of professional editors endowed with specific skills, the team is capable of dealing with every stage in the publishing process (planning of graphics and contents, translating from the main European languages, revising translations, editing, proofreading, indexing, bibliographic research, and so on), including layout and paging up done in-house (using Adobe Indesign). For work on images and complex graphics, N.d.R. relies on a well-proven network of specialists as well as its own electronic equipment, guaranteeing accurate control over the individual stages and an attentive coordination of the whole.

 ·   ·   ·  Together, the team editors have accumulated two decade of experience in various types of publication: essays, manuals, encyclopaedic texts, catalogues, and so on. Since they are highly skilled at writing original texts too, N.d.R. can also act as the coordinator for work that involves reorganising heterogeneous material, carrying out initial documentary research or re-elaborating material already available.


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